Trumpet Ensemble earns third place in global competition

Fresno State Trumpet Ensemble at the 2024 International Trumpet Guild Competition

Under the guidance of Dr. Nathan J. Sobieralski, the Fresno State trumpet ensemble achieved third place in the 2024 International Trumpet Guild Conference, Chamber Music Division. In the semi-final round, they surpassed several renowned competitors, including the University of California at Los Angeles and University of Southern California. In the final round, the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Denmark and Baylor University in Waco, Texas finished ahead of the Fresno State musicians.

“The students rose to this challenge by agreeing to add extra rehearsals, memorizing their parts and scheduling many extra performances over the course of the spring semester. I’m in awe of their work, drive and professionality throughout this process,” said Sobieralski. “I really am proud of these students.”

The Fresno State trumpet ensemble, comprising eight individuals, includes Donald Barley, Aidan Godinho, Colby Kuyper, Robert Linares, Sam Lozano, Isley Parada, Fernando Romero and Tyler Webb. 

Fresno State students (middle row) pose with students from Baylor University and the Royal Danish Academy of Music
Fresno State students – bottom row (left to right): Sam Lozano, Colby Kuyper, Robert Linares, Donald Barley, Aidan Godinho, Tyler Webb, Isley Parada and Fernando Romero. Photo courtesy of ITG Photography

 The International Trumpet Guild Conference is held in a different city every year and the competitions attract students and ensembles from all over the world. A lecturer at Fresno State for 14 years, Sobieralski will begin as a tenure-track professor in the fall. 

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Fresno State College of Arts and Humanities Communication Specialist

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