7th Annual Art Song Festival: Prize Winners

Thomas Michael Allen and Maya Kherani

The 7th annual Art Song Festival wrapped up two days of brilliant performances and outstanding creativity. Winners were chosen by judges and announced in the categories of Poetry Prize, Voice and Piano Duo, Vocal Showcase, and Composition Prize. The Vocal Showcase and Composition Prize additionally included an Audience Favorite Award.

For the first time this year, the Vocal Showcase prize was sponsored by the Fresno Musical Club, who pledged to give this year’s winner $500 and to continue their sponsorship in the future.

“The Fresno Musical Club, an institution that has encouraged music and musicians in the Fresno area since 1905, is excited to provide an award for the judges’ first-place vocal winner,” the club said in a statement. “The winner will receive $500 from the prestigious Bell T. Ritchie Award, an endowment administered by the Fresno Musical Club which recognizes excellent college-age performers who are preparing for a career in music.”

The director of the Art Song Festival, Dr. Maria Briggs-Okunev, expressed her appreciation for the support.

“I am so grateful to the Fresno Musical Club for their sponsorship of the Fresno State Art Song Festival vocal prize! It is excellent to have them on board to support future vocal talent.”

Additionally, the Dean’s Council Annual Fund sponsors all the Prizes, and the Fresno Poetry Association sponsors the Poetry Prize.

This year’s vocal competition featured esteemed guest performers Maya Kherani and Thomas Michael Allen.

A woman speaking in front of a black piano with a white shirt and black pants and shoes.
Poetry prize winner Stella Luna Velez reciting her piece. She is a student of Brynn Saito

Poetry prize winner

  • Stella Luna Velez, student of Brynn Saito
A group of people standing in a concert hall, two people are holding certificates.
Composition first prize winner Christina Herrera and audience award winner Nathaniel Morris pose with the vocalists who premiered their Art Songs and professors.

Composition prize winners

  • 1st prize: Christian Herrera, Student of Dr. Kenneth Froelich
  • Audience prize: Nathaniel Morris, Student of Dr. Benjamin Boone
A woman in a black dress sings in front of a large, black piano.
Vocal Showcase 1st Prize winner Emily Lopez sings during her performance.
A woman in an all black dress stands and sings in front of a large black piano with a pianist in all black playing.
Vocal Showcase Audience Prize winner: Alejandra Tejeda. She is a student of Dr. Anthony Radford.

Vocal Showcase prize winners

  • 1st prize: Emily Lopez, soprano, student of Dr. Maria Briggs
  • Audience Prize: Alejandra Tejeda, student of Dr. Anthony Radford
A woman in a black suit sings in front of a black piano with a pianist dressed in black.
Voice and Piano duo prize winners Miranda Barton, soprano, and Anthony Sorginson, piano.

Voice and Piano duo prize winners:

  • Miranda Barton, soprano and Anthony Sorginson, piano, Students of Dr. Anthony Radford and Dr. Peter Klimo

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